SermonIndex Audio Sermons
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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 443. -- The Christian's Resolve.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

443. -- The Christian's Resolve.

443. L. M. Mrs. Steele. The Christian's Resolve.

1 Ah wretched souls, who strive in vain,
Slaves to the world, and slaves to sin!
A nobler toil may I sustain,
A nobler satisfaction win.

2 May I resolve, with all my heart,
With all my powers, to serve the Lord;
Nor from his precepts e'er depart,
Whose service is a rich reward.

3 Be this the purpose of my soul,
My solemn, my determined choice,
To yield to his supreme control,
And in his kind commands rejoice.

4 O may I never faint nor tire,
Nor, wandering, leave his sacred ways;
Great God! accept my soul's desire,
And give me strength to live thy praise.

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