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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 430. -- Holy Resignation.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

430. -- Holy Resignation.

430. C. M. Merrick. Holy Resignation.

1 Author of good, to thee we turn:
Thine ever wakeful eye
Alone can all our wants discern,
Thy hand alone supply.

2 O, let thy love within us dwell,
Thy fear our footsteps guide;
That love shall vainer loves expel,
That fear all fears beside.

3 And, O, by error's force subdued,
Since oft, with stubborn will,
We blindly shun the latent good,
And grasp the specious ill, --

4 Not what we wish, but what we want,
Let mercy still supply:
The good we ask not; Father, grant;
The ill we ask, deny.

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