SermonIndex Audio Sermons
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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 418. -- Where is Heaven?

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

418. -- Where is Heaven?

418. S. M. Miss Fletcher. Where is Heaven?

1 Our heaven is everywhere,
If we but love the Lord,
Unswerving tread the narrow way,
And ever shun the broad.

2 'T is where the trusting heart
Bows meekly to its grief,
Still looking up with earnest faith
For comfort and relief.

3 Where guileless infancy
In happiness doth dwell,
And where the aged one can say
|He hath done all things well.|

4 Wherever truth abides
Sweet peace is ever there;
If we but love and serve the Lord,
Our heaven is everywhere.

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