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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 388. -- The Christian Graces.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

388. -- The Christian Graces.

388. L. M. Montgomery. The Christian Graces.

1 Faith, hope, and charity, these three,
Yet is the greatest charity;
Father of lights, these gifts impart
To mine and every human heart.

2 Faith, that in prayer can never fail,
Hope, that o'er doubting must prevail,
And charity, whose name above
Is God's own name, for God is love.

3 The morning star is lost in light,
Faith vanishes at perfect sight,
The rainbow passes with the storm
And hope with sorrow's fading form.

4 But charity, serene, sublime,
Beyond the reach of death and time,
Like the blue sky's all-bounding space,
Holds heaven and earth in its embrace.

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