SermonIndex Audio Sermons
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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 380. -- The Hope, the Star, the Voice.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

380. -- The Hope, the Star, the Voice.

380. C. M. H. H. Hawley. The Hope, the Star, the Voice.

1 There is a hope, a blessed hope,
More precious and more bright
Than all the joyless mockery
The world esteems delight.

2 There is a star, a lovely star,
That lights the darkest gloom,
And sheds a peaceful radiance o'er
The prospects of the tomb.

3 There is a voice, a cheering voice,
That lifts the soul above,
Dispels the painful, anxious doubt,
And whispers, |God is love.|

4 That voice, aloud from Calvary's height,
Proclaims the soul forgiven;
That star is revelation's light;
That hope, the hope of heaven.

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