SermonIndex Audio Sermons
SermonIndex - Promoting Revival to this Generation
Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 362. -- The Christian Warrior.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

362. -- The Christian Warrior.

362. L. M. Montgomery. The Christian Warrior.

1 The Christian warrior, see him stand
In the whole armor of his God;
The spirit's sword is in his hand;
His feet are with the gospel shod.

2 In panoply of truth complete,
Salvation's helmet on his head,
With righteousness, a breastplate meet,
And faith's broad shield before him spread.

3 With this omnipotence he moves;
From this the alien armies flee;
Till more than conqueror he proves,
Through Christ, who gives him victory.

4 Thus strong in his Redeemer's strength,
Sin, death and hell he tramples down, --
Fights the good fight; and takes at length,
Through mercy, an immortal crown.

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