SermonIndex Audio Sermons
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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 356. -- Active Piety.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

356. -- Active Piety.

356. S. M. L. H. Sigourney. Active Piety.

1 Servants of Christ, arise,
And gird you for the toil;
The dew of promise from the skies
Already cheers the soil.

2 Go where the sick recline,
Where mourning hearts deplore;
And where the sons of sorrow pine,
Dispense your hallowed lore.

3 Urge, with a tender zeal,
The erring child along,
Where peaceful congregations kneel,
And pious teachers throng.

4 Be faith, which looks above,
With prayer, your constant guest,
And wrap the Saviour's changeless love
A mantle round your breast.

5 So shall you share the wealth,
That earth may ne'er despoil,
And the blest gospel's saving health
Repay your arduous toil.

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