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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 355. -- Love to God and our Neighbor.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

355. -- Love to God and our Neighbor.

355. L. M. Watts. Love to God and our Neighbor.

1 Thus saith the first, the great command,
|Let all thy inward powers unite
To love thy Maker and thy God
With utmost vigor and delight.

2 |Then shall thy neighbor next in place
Share thine affections and esteem;
And let thy kindness to thyself
Measure and rule thy love to him.|

3 This is the sense that Moses spoke;
This did the prophets preach and prove,
For want of this the law is broke,
And the whole law's fulfilled by love.

4 But, O, how base our passions are!
How cold our charity and zeal!
Lord, fill our souls with heavenly fire,
Or we shall ne'er perform thy will.

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