SermonIndex Audio Sermons
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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 340. -- The Christian's Life and his Hope.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

340. -- The Christian's Life and his Hope.

340. C. M. Gisborne. The Christian's Life and his Hope.

1 A soldier's course, from battles won
To new-commencing strife;
A pilgrim's, restless as the sun --
Behold the Christian's life!

2 O! let us seek our heavenly home,
Revealed in sacred lore;
The land whence pilgrims never roam,
Where soldiers war no more;

3 Where grief shall never wound, nor death,
Beneath the Saviour's reign;
Nor sin, with pestilential breath,
His holy realm profane;

4 The land where, suns and moons unknown,
And night's alternate sway,
Jehovah's ever-burning throne
Upholds unbroken day;

5 Where they who meet shall never part;
Where grace achieves its plan;
And God, uniting every heart,
Dwells face to face with man.

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