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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 325. -- Imploring Forgiveness and Renewal of Heart.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

325. -- Imploring Forgiveness and Renewal of Heart.

325. L. M.6l. Wesley's Coll. Imploring Forgiveness and Renewal of Heart.

1 Forgive us for thy mercy's sake;
Our multitude of sins forgive;
And for thy own possession take,
And bid us to thy glory live;
Live in thy sight and gladly prove
Our faith by our obedient love.

2 The covenant of forgiveness seal,
And all thy mighty wonders show;
Our hidden enemies expel,
And conquering them to conquer go,
Till all of pride and wrath be slain,
And not one evil thought remain.

3 O, put it in our inward parts
The living law of perfect love:
Write the new precept on our hearts;
We shall not then from thee remove,
Who in thy glorious image shine,
Thy people, and forever thine.

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