324. C. M. Village Hymns. The Prodigal's Return.
1 The long-lost son, with streaming eyes,
From folly just awake,
Reviews his wanderings with surprise;
His heart begins to break.
2 |I starve,| he cries, |nor can I bear
The famine in this land,
While servants of my Father share
The bounty of his hand.
3 |With deep repentance I'll return
And seek my Father's face;
Unworthy to be called a son,
I'll ask a servant's place.|
4 Far off the Father saw him move,
In pensive silence mourn,
And quickly ran with arms of love,
To welcome his return.
5 O, let thy boundless mercy shine
On my benighted soul,
Correct my passions, mend my heart,
And all my fears control.