SermonIndex Audio Sermons
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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 320. -- Desiring Christ's Triumph.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

320. -- Desiring Christ's Triumph.

320. 8s. & 7s. M. Urwick's Coll. Desiring Christ's Triumph.

1 O thou Sun of glorious splendor,
Shine with healing in thy wing;
Chase away these shades of darkness;
Holy light and comfort bring.

2 Let the heralds of salvation
Round the world with joy proclaim,
|Death and hell are spoiled and vanquished
Through the great Immanuel's name.|

3 Take thy power, almighty Saviour;
Claim the nations for thine own;
Reign, thou Lord of life and glory,
Till each heart becomes thy throne.

4 Then the earth, o'erspread with glory,
Decked with heavenly splendor bright
Shall be made Jehovah's dwelling --
As at first, the Lord's delight.

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