318. 7s. & 5s. S. F. Smith. The Missionary Angel.
1 Onward speed thy conquering flight;
Angel, onward speed;
Cast abroad thy radiant light,
Bid the shades recede;
Tread the idols in the dust,
Heathen fanes destroy,
Spread the gospel's holy trust,
Spread the gospel's joy.
2 Onward speed thy conquering flight;
Angel, onward haste;
Quickly on each mountain's height
Be thy standard placed;
Let thy blissful tidings float
Far o'er vale and hill,
Till the sweetly-echoing note
Every bosom thrill.
3 Onward speed thy conquering flight;
Angel, onward fly:
Long has been the reign of night;
Bring the morning nigh:
'Tis to thee the heathen lift
Their imploring wail;
Bear them Heaven's holy gift,
Ere their courage fail.
4 Onward speed thy conquering flight
Angel, onward speed;
Morning bursts upon our sight --
'Tis the time decreed:
Jesus now his kingdom takes,
Thrones and empires fall,
And the joyous song awakes,
|God is all in all.|