SermonIndex Audio Sermons
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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 314. -- The Church exulting in the Government of Jehovah.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

314. -- The Church exulting in the Government of Jehovah.

314. P. M. Pratt's Coll. The Church exulting in the Government of Jehovah.

1 Ye subjects of the Lord! proclaim
The royal honors of his name:
|Jehovah reigns!| be all our song.
'T is He, thy God, O Zion, reigns!
Prepare thy most harmonious strains
Glad hallelujahs to prolong.

2 Tremble, ye pageants of a day,
Formed, like your slaves, of brittle clay!
Down to the dust your sceptres bend;
To everlasting years He reigns,
And undiminished state maintains,
When kings, and suns, and time shall end.

3 So shall his favored Zion live:
In vain confed'rate nations strive
Her sacred turrets to destroy;
Her Sov'reign sits enthroned above,
And endless power and endless love
Ensure her safety and her joy.

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