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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 307. -- The Reconciliation.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

307. -- The Reconciliation.

307. 7s. & 5s. M. A. C. Thomas. The Reconciliation.

1 Thou, whose wide extended sway
Suns and systems e'er obey!
Thou, our Guardian and our Stay,
Evermore adored:
In prospective, Lord, we see
Jew and Gentile, bond and free,
Reconciled in Christ to thee,
Holy, holy Lord.

2 Thou by all shalt be confessed,
Ever blessing, ever blest,
When to thy eternal rest,
In the courts above,
Thou shall bring the sore oppressed;
Fill each joy-desiring breast;
Make of each a welcome guest,
At the feast of love.

3 When destroying death shall die,
Hushed be every rising sigh,
Tears be wiped from every eye,
Never more to fall;
Then shall praises fill the sky,
And angelic hosts shall cry,
Holy, Holy Lord, Most High,
Thou art all in all!

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