SermonIndex Audio Sermons
SermonIndex - Promoting Revival to this Generation
Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 293. -- Efficacy of the Gospel.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

293. -- Efficacy of the Gospel.

293. H. M. Doddridge. Efficacy of the Gospel.

1 Mark the soft-falling snow,
And the descending rain!
To heaven, from whence it fell,
It turns not back again;
But waters earth through every pore,
And calls forth all her secret store.

2 Arrayed in beauteous green
The hills and valleys shine,
And man and beast are fed
By providence divine:
The harvest bows its golden ears,
The copious seed of future years.

3 |So,| saith the God of grace,
|My Gospel shall descend,
Almighty to effect
The purpose I intend;
Millions of souls shall feel its power,
And bear it down to millions more.|

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