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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 286. -- The Same.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

286. -- The Same.

286. C. M. H. Ballou. The Same.

1 Jesus his empire shall extend;
Beneath his gentle sway
Kings of the earth shall humbly bend,
And his commands obey.

2 From sea to sea, from shore to shore,
All nations shall be blest;
We hear the noise of war no more, --
He gives his people rest.

3 As clouds descend in gentle showers,
When spring renews her reign;
And call to life the fragrant flowers
O'er forest, hill and plain; --

4 So Jesus, by his heavenly grace,
Descends on man below,
And o'er the millions of our race
His gentle blessings flow.

5 All that the reign of sin destroyed,
The Saviour shall restore;
And, from the treasures of the Lord,
Shall give us blessings more.

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