SermonIndex Audio Sermons
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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 282. -- The Same.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

282. -- The Same.

282. 11s. M. S. F. Streeter. The Same.

1 How gracious the promise, how soothing the word That came from the lips of our merciful Lord!
|Ye lone, and ye weary, ye sad and oppressed,
Come, learn of your Saviour, and ye shall find rest.|

2 Ye proud, from the paths of ambition depart,
For meek was your Master, and lowly of heart.
And all who have sinned and have wandered astray,
Come, walk in the light and the truth and the way.

3 Ye heart-stricken sons, and ye daughters of woe, For you the fresh fountains of comfort o'erflow;
Your souls to the blessed Redeemer unite, --
His yoke it is easy, his burden is light.

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