SermonIndex Audio Sermons
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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 279. -- Saviour's Voice.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

279. -- Saviour's Voice.

279. S. M. E. Turner. Saviour's Voice.

1 Hear what a Saviour's voice,
To sinners, does proclaim;
O, all ye ransomed souls, rejoice
In your Redeemer's name.

2 Where sin and death have reigned,
And all their power employed,
There are his love and light maintained,
And heavenly truth enjoyed.

3 The needy, starving poor
Are filled with living bread;
The opening of the prison door
Proclaims the captive freed.

4 The thirsty, panting soul,
That longs for springs of grace,
Beholds celestial waters roll,
And floods of righteousness.

5 My God, my Saviour too,
I would thy love proclaim,
Partake of what is brought to view,
And sing thy glorious name.

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