SermonIndex Audio Sermons
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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 271. -- The Same.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

271. -- The Same.

271. C. M. Anonymous. The Same.

1 Bright was the guiding star that led,
With mild benignant ray,
The Gentiles to the lowly shed
Where the Redeemer lay.

2 But lo! a brighter, clearer light
Now points to his abode
It shines through sin and sorrow's night
To guide us to our Lord.

3 O haste to follow where it leads;
The gracious call obey,
Be rugged wilds, or flowery meads,
The Christian's destined way.

4 O gladly tread the narrow path
While light and grace are given;
We'll meekly follow Christ on earth,
And reign with him in heaven.

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