SermonIndex Audio Sermons
SermonIndex - Promoting Revival to this Generation
Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 266. -- Invitation to the Gospel Feast.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

266. -- Invitation to the Gospel Feast.

266. C. M. Mrs. Steele. Invitation to the Gospel Feast.

1 Ye wretched, hungry, starving poor,
Behold a royal feast,
Where mercy spreads her bounteous store,
For every humble guest!

2 See, Jesus stands with open arms!
He calls, he bids you come; --
Guilt holds you back, and fear alarms, --
But see, there yet is room!

3 Come then, and with his people taste
The blessings of his love;
While hope attends the sweet repast,
Of nobler joys above.

4 There, with united heart and voice,
Before the eternal throne,
Ten thousand thousand souls rejoice
In ecstasies unknown.

5 And yet ten thousand thousand more
Are welcome still to come:
Ye longing souls, the grace adore; --
Approach, there yet is room.

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