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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 244. -- Christ All and in All.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

244. -- Christ All and in All.

244. L. M.6l. Urwick's Col. Christ All and in All.

1 Jesus, thou source of calm repose,
All fulness dwells in thee divine;
Our strength, to quell the proudest foes;
Our light, in deepest gloom to shine;
Thou art our fortress, strength, and tower,
Our trust and portion, evermore.

2 Jesus, our Comforter thou art;
Our rest in toil, our ease in pain;
The balm to heal each broken heart,
In storms our peace, in loss our gain;
Our joy, beneath the worldling's frown;
In shame our glory and our crown; --

3 In want our plentiful supply;
In weakness, our almighty power;
In bonds, our perfect liberty;
Our refuge in temptation's hour;
Our comfort, 'midst all grief and thrall;
Our life in death; our all in all.

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