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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 222. -- The Holy Guest.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

222. -- The Holy Guest.

222. L. M. Heber. The Holy Guest.

1 Messiah Lord! who, wont to dwell
In lowly shape and cottage cell,
Didst not refuse a guest to be
At Cana's poor festivity.

2 O when our soul from care is free,
Then, Saviour, would we think on thee;
And, seated at the festal board,
In fancy's eye behold the Lord.

3 Then may we seem, in fancy's ear,
Thy manna-dropping tongue to hear,
And think, -- |if now his searching view
Each secret of our spirit knew!|

4 So may such joy, chastised and pure,
Beyond the bounds of earth endure;
Nor pleasure in the wounded mind
Shall leave a rankling sting behind.

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