SermonIndex Audio Sermons
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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 216. -- Christ the Light of the World.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

216. -- Christ the Light of the World.

216. S. M. Needham. Christ the Light of the World.

1 Behold! the Prince of Peace,
The chosen of the Lord,
God's well-beloved Son, fulfils
The sure prophetic word.

2 No royal pomp adorns
This King of righteousness:
Meekness and patience, truth and love,
Compose his princely dress.

3 The spirit of the Lord,
In rich abundance shed,
On this great Prophet gently lights,
And rests upon his head.

4 Jesus, the light of men,
His doctrine life imparts;
O, may we feel its quickening power
To warm and glad our hearts.

5 Cheered by its beams, our souls
Shall run the heavenly way;
The path which Christ has marked and trod,
Will lead to endless day.

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