SermonIndex Audio Sermons
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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 211. -- Christmas Hymn.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

211. -- Christmas Hymn.

211. C. P. M. Miss Roscoe. Christmas Hymn.

1 O, let your mingling voices rise,
In grateful rapture, to the skies,
And hail a Saviour's birth:
Let songs of joy the day proclaim,
When Jesus all-triumphant came
To bless the sons of earth.

2 He came to bid the weary rest,
To heal the sinner's wounded breast,
To bind the broken heart,
To spread the light of truth around,
And to the world's remotest bound
The heavenly gift impart.

3 He came our trembling souls to save
From sin, from sorrow, and the grave,
And chase our fears away;
Victorious over death and time,
To lead us to a happier clime,
Where reigns eternal day.

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