SermonIndex Audio Sermons
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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 196. -- The Same.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

196. -- The Same.

196. L. M. Anonymous. The Same.

1 Thou Book of life! -- in thee are found
The mysteries of my Maker's will;
Treasures of knowledge here abound,
The deepest, loftiest mind to fill.

2 Thou art a banquet; -- choicest food
I'll seek in thee: thou art a rock,
Whence pour sweet waters; every good
From thee doth flow for Christ's own flock.

3 Light of the world! thy beams impart
To lead my feet through life's dark way;
O shine on this benighted heart,
Nor let me from thy guidance stray.

4 Healer of all the woes of life!
The balm of souls diseased; to save
From all earth's pain; and end the strife
Of death, with victory o'er the grave!

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