SermonIndex Audio Sermons
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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 179. -- |Consider the lilies of the field;--behold the fowls of the air.|

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

179. -- |Consider the lilies of the field;--behold the fowls of the air.|

179. 8s. & 7s. M. Heber. |Consider the lilies of the field; -- behold the fowls of the air.|

1 Lo! the lilies of the field!
How their leaves instruction yield!
Hark to nature's lesson given
By the blessed birds of heaven!
Every bush and tufted tree
Warbles trust and piety:
Children, banish doubt and sorrow, --
God provideth for the morrow.

2 One there lives, whose guardian eye
Guides our earthly destiny;
One there lives, who, Lord of all,
Keeps his children lest they fall:
Pass we, then, in love and praise,
Trusting him, through all our days,
Free from doubt and faithless sorrow, --
God provideth for the morrow.

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