178. L. M.6l. Bowring. |Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night showeth knowledge.|
1 The heavens, O Lord! thy power proclaim,
And the earth echoes back thy name;
Ten thousand voices speak thy might,
And day to day, and night to night,
Utter thy praise -- thou Lord above!
Thy praise, thy glory, and thy love.
2 And nature with its countless throng,
And sun, and moon, and planets' song,
And every flower that light receives,
And every dew that tips the leaves,
And every murmur of the sea --
Tunes its sweet voice to worship Thee.
3 Thy name thy glories they rehearse,
Great Spirit of the universe;
Sense of all sense, and soul of soul,
Nought is too vast for thy control;
The meanest and the mightiest share
Alike thy kindness and thy care.