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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 167. -- The Same.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

167. -- The Same.

167. C. M. M. Rayner. The Same.

1 Hail! Source of light, of life, and love,
And joys that never end;
In whom all creatures live and move:
Creator, Father, Friend.

2 All space is with thy presence crowned:
Creation owns thy care;
Each spot in nature's ample round,
Proclaims that God is there.

3 Attuned to praise be every voice;
Let not one heart be sad:
Jehovah reigns! Let earth rejoice;
Let all the isles be glad.

4 Then sound the anthem loud and long,
In sweetest, loftiest strains;
And be the burden of the song,
The Lord, Jehovah, reigns!

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