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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 161. -- Praise from all Nature. Ps. 148.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

161. -- Praise from all Nature. Ps. 148.

161. C. P. M. Ogilvie. Praise from all Nature. Ps.148.

1 Begin, my soul, th' exalted lay;
Let each enraptured thought obey,
And praise th' Almighty's name.
Lo, heaven and earth and seas and skies
In one melodious concert rise
To swell th' inspiring theme.

2 Thou heaven of heavens, his vast abode --
Ye clouds, proclaim your Maker, God;
Ye thunders, speak his power.
Lo, on the lightning's rapid wings
In triumph rides the King of Kings:
Th' astonished worlds adore.

3 Ye deeps with roaring billows rise
To join the thunders of the skies --
Praise him who bids you roll.
His praise in softer notes declare,
Each whispering breeze of yielding air,
And breathe it to the soul.

4 Wake, all ye soaring throngs, and sing;
Ye cheerful warblers of the spring,
Harmonious anthems raise
To him who shaped your finer mould,
Who tipped your glittering wings with gold,
And tuned your voice to praise.

5 Let man, by nobler passions swayed,
The feeling heart, the reasoning head,
In heavenly praise employ:
Spread the Creator's name around,
Till heaven's wide arch repeat the sound --
The general burst of joy.

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