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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 157. -- The Same.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

157. -- The Same.

157. L. M. H. Ballou, 2d. The Same.

1 Praise ye the Lord, around whose throne
All heaven in ceaseless worship waits,
Whose glory fills the worlds unknown --
Praise ye the Lord from Zion's gates.

2 With mingling souls and voices join;
To him the swelling anthem raise;
Repeat his name with joy divine,
And fill the temple with his praise.

3 All-gracious God, to thee we owe
Each joy and blessing time affords, --
Light, life, and health, and all below,
Spring from thy presence, Lord of lords.

4 Thine be the praise, for thine the love
That freely all our sins forgave,
Pointed our dying eyes above,
And showed us life beyond the grave.

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