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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 155. -- The Divine Glories Celebrated.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

155. -- The Divine Glories Celebrated.

155. 7s. M. J. Taylor. The Divine Glories Celebrated.

1 Glory be to God on high,
God, whose glory fills the sky;
Peace on earth to man forgiven,
Man, the well-beloved of Heaven.

2 Favored mortals! raise the song;
Endless thanks to God belong;
Hearts o'erflowing with his praise,
Join the hymns your voices raise.

3 Mark the wonders of his hand!
Power no empire can withstand;
Wisdom, angel's glorious theme;
Goodness, one eternal stream.

4 Awful Being! from thy throne
Send thy promised blessings down;
Let thy light, thy truth, thy peace,
Bid our raging passions cease.

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