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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 143. -- The surpassing Glory of God.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

143. -- The surpassing Glory of God.

143. C. H. M. Anonymous. The surpassing Glory of God.

1 Since o'er thy footstool here below
Such radiant gems are strown,
O what magnificence must glow,
Great God, about thy throne!
So brilliant here these drops of light --
There the full ocean rolls -- how bright!

2 If night's blue curtain of the sky --
With thousand stars inwrought,
Hung like a royal canopy
With glittering diamonds fraught --
Be, Lord, thy temple's outer veil,
What splendor at the shrine must dwell!

3 The dazzling sun, at noon-day hour --
Forth from his flaming vase
Flinging o'er earth the golden shower
Till vale and mountain blaze --
But shows, O Lord, one beam of thine:
What, then, the day where thou dost shine?

4 O how shall these dim eyes endure
That noon of living rays!
Or how our spirits so impure,
Upon thy glory gaze! --
Anoint, O Lord, anoint our sight,
And fit us for that world of light.

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