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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 132. -- Providence Kind and Bountiful.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

132. -- Providence Kind and Bountiful.

132. C. M. Eng. Bap. Coll. Providence Kind and Bountiful.

1 Thy kingdom, Lord, forever stands,
While earthly thrones decay;
And time submits to thy commands,
While ages roll away.

2 Thy sovereign bounty freely gives
Its unexhausted store;
And universal nature lives
On thy sustaining power.

3 Holy and just in all its ways
Is Providence divine;
In all its works, immortal rays
Of power and mercy shine.

4 The praise of God -- delightful theme! --
Shall fill my heart and tongue;
Let all creation bless his name,
In one eternal song.

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