SermonIndex Audio Sermons
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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 126. -- God Incomprehensible.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

126. -- God Incomprehensible.

126. L. M. Kippis. God Incomprehensible.

1 Great God! in vain man's narrow view
Attempts to look thy nature through;
Our laboring powers with reverence own
Thy glories never can be known.

2 Not the high seraph's mighty thought,
Who countless years his God has sought,
Such wondrous height or depth can find,
Or fully trace thy boundless mind.

3 And yet thy kindness deigns to show
Enough for mortal minds to know;
While wisdom, goodness, power divine,
Through all thy works and conduct shine.

4 O, may our souls with rapture trace
Thy works of nature and of grace:
Explore thy sacred truth, and still
Press on to know and do thy will.

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