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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 122. -- God seen in his Works.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

122. -- God seen in his Works.

122. C. M. Wallace. God seen in his Works.

1 There's not a star whose twinkling light
Illumes the distant earth,
And cheers the solemn gloom of night,
But goodness gave it birth.

2 There's not a cloud whose dews distil
Upon the parching clod,
And clothe with verdure vale and hill,
That is not sent by God.

3 There's not a place in earth's vast round,
In ocean deep, or air,
Where skill and wisdom are not found;
For God is everywhere.

4 Around, within, below, above,
Wherever space extends,
There Heaven displays its boundless love,
And power with goodness blends.

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