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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 115. -- God the Creator.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

115. -- God the Creator.

115. L. M. Fergus. God the Creator.

1 The Spirit moved upon the waves
That darkly rolled, a shoreless sea;
He spake the word, and light burst forth,
A glorious, bright immensity.

2 At his command, the mountains heaved
Their rocky pinnacles on high,
Island and continent displayed
Their desert grandeur to the sky.

3 The voice of God was heard again,
And lovely flowers and graceful trees
Appeared on every vale and plain,
And perfumes floated on the breeze.

4 The word went forth, and vast and high
The heavenly orbs gave out their light,
O'er all the earth and sea and sky;
The rulers of the day and night.

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