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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 71. -- Sunday Evening.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

71. -- Sunday Evening.

71. 7s. M. Sun. School H. B. Sunday Evening.

1 Sacred day, forever blest!
Day of all our days the best!
Welcome hours of praise and prayer,
Free from toil, fatigue, and care!

2 Happy, truly happy, Lord,
Those who hear and read thy word!
Happy those who dwell with thee!
Who thy grace and glory see.

3 We once more have heard thy voice,
Lord, in thee our souls rejoice;
Borne by faith to worlds on high,
Called to reign above the sky.

4 Though this day of rest we close,
Still in thee our hearts repose;
Guide and guard us all our days:
O may all our lives be praise!

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