SermonIndex Audio Sermons
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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 69. -- Sabbath Hymn.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

69. -- Sabbath Hymn.

69. L. M. Sun. School H. B. Sabbath Hymn.

1 Called by the Sabbath bells away,
Unto thy holy temple, Lord,
I'll go, with willing mind to pray,
To praise thy name and hear thy word.

2 O sacred day of peace and joy,
Thy hours are ever dear to me;
Ne'er may a sinful thought destroy
The holy calm I find in thee.

3 Dear are thy peaceful hours to me,
For God has given them in his love,
To tell how calm, how blest shall be
The endless day of heaven above.

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