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Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

50. -- Christian Worship.

50. L. M. Butcher. Christian Worship.

1 Father of all! where shall we find
A temple suited to thy praise?
To thee, the uncreated Mind,
What earthly altar shall we raise?

2 We'll call a multitude around,
And gladly seek the house of prayer;
There thy salvation we have found,
And still, O God, we'll seek it there.

3 From breast to breast the holy flame
Shall kindle round the sacred place:
At once we'll hymn our Father's name,
At once we'll seek our Father's face.

4 There, heavenly Father, condescend
To meet us with peculiar love;
And when the hymns of earth shall end,
We'll give thee nobler hymns above.

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