SermonIndex Audio Sermons
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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 49. -- The Lord's Day.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

49. -- The Lord's Day.

49. L. M. Newton. The Lord's Day.

1 How welcome to the soul, when pressed
With six days' noise, and care, and toil,
Is the returning day of rest,
Which hides us from the world awhile!

2 How happy they, whose lot is cast
Where Christ invites the |weary| yet;
They find their sorrows quickly past,
And all their burdens soon forget.

3 Though pinched with poverty at home,
With sharp afflictions daily fed,
It makes amends, if they can come
To God's own house for heavenly bread.

4 We thank thee for thy day, O Lord!
And here thy promised presence seek;
Open thy hand with blessings stored,
And give us manna for the week.

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