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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 45. -- Devout Worship of God.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

45. -- Devout Worship of God.

45. L. M. Sir J. E. Smith. Devout Worship of God.

1 Praise waits in Zion, Lord, for thee;
Thy saints adore thy holy name;
Thy creatures bend th' obedient knee,
And, humbly, thy protection claim.

2 Thy hand has raised us from the dust;
The breath of life thy Spirit gave;
Where, but in thee, can mortals trust?
Who, but our God, has power to save?

3 Still may thy children in thy word
Their common trust and refuge see;
O bind us to each other, Lord,
By one great tie, -- the love of thee.

4 So shall our sun of hope arise,
With brighter still and brighter ray,
Till thou shalt bless our longing eyes
With beams of everlasting day.

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