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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 34. -- Truth and Love.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

34. -- Truth and Love.

34. L. M. Frothingham. Truth and Love.

1 O God, whose presence glows in all,
Within, around us, and above!
Thy word we bless, thy name we call,
Whose word is Truth, whose name is Love.

2 That truth be with the heart believed
Of all who seek this sacred place;
With power proclaimed, in peace received --
Our spirits' light, thy Spirit's grace.

3 That love its holy influence pour,
To keep us meek, and make us free,
And throw its binding blessing more
Round each with all, and all with thee.

4 Send down its angel to our side --
Send in its calm upon the breast;
For we would know no other guide,
And we can need no other rest.

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