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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 23. -- For Opening or Close of Service.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

23. -- For Opening or Close of Service.

23. L. M. Anonymous. For Opening or Close of Service.

1 Thy presence, gracious God, afford;
Prepare us to receive thy word;
Now let thy voice engage our ear,
And faith be mixed with what we hear.

2 Distracting thoughts and cares remove,
And fix our hearts and hopes above;
With food divine may we be fed,
And satisfied with living bread.

3 To us the sacred word apply
With sovereign power and energy;
And may we, in thy faith and fear,
Reduce to practice what we hear.

4 Father, in us thy Son reveal;
Teach us to know and do thy will;
Thy saving power and love display,
And guide us to the realms of day.

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