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Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams


The figures designate the hymns.

Adoration, 150.
Adversity, rejoicing in, 629.
Affection, family, 928.
Affliction, God merciful in, 631.
Angels, song of, 201.
Ark of safety, 474.
Aspiration, devout, 78, 434, 475, 484, 486, 492, 493, 497, 498, 500, 509. Autumn, hymn for, 865.


Baptism, 671-674.
infant, 670.
Beatitudes, 344.
Benevolence, active, 1003.


Charity, 767, 777.
blessedness of, 781.
in Judgment, 398, 399.
Charitable occasions, 778-780, 782-785.
Child's prayer, 762, 763.
Christ, all in all, 244.
announced by John, 214.
his ascension, 237.
at the pool of Bethesda, 221.
his baptism, 215.
his birth, 202, 211.
at Canaan, 222.
his new commandment, 225.
his coming in power, 819.
the corner-stone, 254.
his spiritual coronation, 246.
on the cross, 248.
his crucifixion, 231-233.
death and resurrection, 234-236.
desired, 435.
his example, 238, 239, 357.
example in forgiving, 251.
his excellency, 240, 504.
foretold, 198-200.
at sea of Galilee, 220.
glorying in, 650.
God's image, 253.
God's servant, 252.
in Gethsemane, 226-230, 480.
the hiding-place, 255.
imitated, 249.
Jerusalem, his entry into, 224.
his going to Jerusalem, 223.
our leader, 250.
light of the world, 216.
his love, 242.
his love to enemies, 386.
his miracles, 218.
his mission, 212.
his power over evil, 824.
his poverty, 219.
his preaching, 217.
his preciousness, 436, 512.
the resting-place, 245.
his submissiveness, 241.
his triumph, 305.
his triumph desired, 320.
the universal king, 287, 297.
Christianity, triumphant, 291, 296, 309
Christian armor, 361.
blessedness, 414, 415, 478.
burial of, 576, 591.
conflict, rest, and hope, 360.
death, view of, 534, 537.
devotedness of, 341, 342.
dying, to his soul, 542.
effort, encouragement to, 822.
fellowship, 658, 659, 862, 863.
graces, 388.
happiness, 411.
life, 340.
life, desire for, 339.
life, excellence of, 405, 406.
philanthropists, 768, 770-773.
race, 368, 370.
resolution, 443.
rest, 479.
warfare, 367, 369.
warrior, 362.
Church, an ancient, 970.
attachment to, 657.
exulting in God's government, 914.
glory of, 308, 319, 653, 656.
Jewish and Christian, 655.
membership, 660, 661, 664.
safety of, 654.
Communion, 675-695.
Conference meeting, hymns for, 909, 910.
Confidence in God, 469, 507, 622, 636, 967.
Conscience, a peaceful, 432.
Consecration, 466.
Contentment, 625.
holy, 611.
Conventions, and associations, 725-731.
Corner-stone of church laid, 696.
Country, prayer for our, 837, 849, 850.
virtuous love of, 845.
Creation, beauties of, 173.
Criminal reform, 814-819.
Cross, attraction of, 247.
of Christ, 649.
soldier of, 992.
view of, 693.
welcome, 614.


Dead, farewell to, 567, 578, 600.
the righteous, 547-549, 569.
Death, entrance to immortality, 540.
of an aged Christian, 593.
of a child, 584, 588.
of a Christian in his prime, 592.
of an infant, 582, 583.
of a minister, 596-599.
meditation on, 541.
of parents, 595.
of a public man, 1004.
of the righteous, 543, 544, 557, 594, 601, 604.
of a young girl, 586, 580.
of the young, 589.
universal warning of, 531.
Dedication of children, 665, 669.
of churches, 697-706.
Dependence on God, 427.
Devotion, daily and nightly, 18.
habitual, 422.
Doxologies, 1006-1008.


Easter, 552, 553. See Resurrection of Christ.
Eternity, glories of, 556.
Evening hymns, 942, 945-955.
hymn, with nature, 963.


Faith, dead without works, 774.
excellence of, 376.
hope, and charity, 387.
living and dead, 389.
power of, 374, 375.
prayer for, 377, 468.
solace of, 471.
Fast, hymns for, 868-874.
Fathers, our, 838-840, 842.
Fire, hymn on occasion of, 993.
Forgiveness, 823.
Fourth of July, hymns for, 844-847.
Freedom, human, 799-803, 805, 806.
Friends, not lost in death, 581.
re-union after death, 580. See Heaven.
Friendship, Christian, 397.
Funeral occasion, 545, 546, 579.
of an infant, 587.


God, acknowledged in national blessings, 841, 843.
acknowledged in the seasons, 851-857.
adoration of, 74.
his altar a refuge, 24.
his blessing invoked, 82.
communion with, desired, 67, 428, 453, 460, 503.
his condescension, 134, 364.
the Creator, 115, 123, 176.
our Creator and benefactor, 124.
his decrees and providence, 145.
his direction, prayer for, 81.
dwelling in the heart, 75.
his eternity, 107, 898.
his eternity and man's frailty, 514.
his existence, 101.
his faithfulness, 639.
our father, 102, 103, 120, 442.
glories celebrated, 155.
his glory, 143.
his glory in the heaven, 175, 181.
his goodness, 130, 135, 172.
goodness and omniscience, 110.
our help, 510.
his holiness, 29, 133, 136.
his incomprehensibility, 121, 126, 142.
his infinity, 112.
his love, 114.
his majesty, 113, 141.
his mercy to the penitent, 327.
his omnipotence, 104, 105.
his omnipresence, 106, 108, 116, 140, 147.
his omnipresent peace, 131.
his omniscience, 109, 129.
his omniscience and omnipresence, 111.
his paternal love, 496.
his perfections, 117, 141.
his power, wisdom, and goodness, 119.
his presence desired, 612.
his providence, 125, 132, 138.
his providence illustrated in nature, 173.
his providence mysterious, 128, 139, 148.
seen in his works, 122, 168.
our shepherd, 495, 648.
source of all things, 174.
a spirit, 118.
his spirit invoked, 76, 77, 501.
his truth and love invoked, 34.
unchangeable, 127, 146.
his unity, 137.
Gospel, advancing, 263.
blessings of, 256, 276.
call to the church, 262.
feast, 290.
fountain, 264.
gentle influence of, 293.
God's glory in, 260.
light of, 258.
power of, 280.
progress of, 296, 306, 318.
source of peace and rest, 269.
triumphant, 299-302, 310, 813, 821.
trumpet, 257, 261.
Grace, breathings of, 426.
day of, 652.
experience of, 642.
Gratitude to God, 444, 445.
Grave, the sailor's, 834.


Harvest, hymn for, 884.
Heaven, 559, 560, 564.
anticipated, 557.
its bliss, 565.
children in, 585.
Christian's home, 517.
foretaste of, 511.
here, 418-420.
hope of, 513.
joys of, on earth, 417.
march to, 651.
prospect of, 555.
its rest, 563.
re-union of friends there, 573.
saints in, 561, 562.
society of, 558.
within, 421.
Homage, and devotion, 48.
Honor rendered to all men, 820.
Hope, joyful, 1000.
rejoicing in, 379.
star and voice, 380.
Hospital or asylum, hymn for, 788.
House of God, 25, 54.
delight in, 14, 53, 57.
Humanity, its cause hopeful, 999.
Humility, 353.
and submission, 354.


Immortality, illustrated by nature, 551.
Inconstancy lamented, 326.
Independence, true, 403.
Invitation, 259, 270-275, 278, 279, 281-283.
to the gospel feast, 266, 267, 277.
Invocation, 2, 12, 17, 22, 23, 27, 32, 35, 68, 904, 907, 916. Israel, fall of, 976.


Jews, prayer of, 315, 316.
remonstrance with, 977.
restoration of, 315, 316.
Joy, after sorrow, 968.
in God's presence, 486.
Judgment, private, right of, 400.


Kindness to the afflicted, 786.
to the poor, 765.
Kingdom of Christ, 213, 284, 286, 288, 289, 298, 304, 311, 312, 322. of God, 285, 303.
Knowledge of God, 494.


Liberality rewarded, 776.
Liberty meeting, fourth of July, 804.
Life, close of, 529.
discipline of, 966.
frailty and shortness of, 524, 528, 530, 532.
a pilgrimage, 516, 523.
God's providence in, 515, 520.
illustrated, 519.
its changes, 527.
higher revelations in, 526.
Light, injunction to walk in, 998.
Love, brotherly, 391.
divine invoked, 15.
harmony of, 392-394.
law of, 381, 382.
supremacy of, 769.
the best offering, 764.
to God, 383.
to God and man, 355, 385.
to man, 384.
[See Philanthropic Subjects.]


Marriage hymns, 985, 986.
Martyrs, army of, 979.
death of, 980.
Meekness, 348, 349.
Men, all equal, 766.
Mercy-seat, 452.
Midnight, hymn at, 956.
Minister, the faithful, 975.
Ministers, blessing invoked on, 724.
charged and encouraged, 720-722.
conflict and burthen of, 720.
meeting of, 719.
Missionary occasions, 733-737.
Moderation, 402.
Morning hymns, 935-940.
Morning or evening hymns, 941, 943.
Mourners, blessing of, 566, 630.
comforted, 571, 572, 574, 602, 603, 605.
invited to mercy-seat, 575.
thoughts of heaven, 568.


National hymns, 835-850.
Nature, and the Scriptures, 185, 188.
and the soul, 554.
a temple, 183.
compared with the spiritual world, 182.
evening hymn with, 963.
religious influences of, 180.


Opportunities, use of, 359.
Ordination and installation, 707-718.
Orphan asylum, hymn for, 789.
Orphan's hymn, 972.


Pardon, 336.
Parting, 921-923.
Patience, 345.
Peace, hymns on, 807-813.
Piety, active, 356.
habitual, 410.
Pilgrims, the, 843.
Praise, 149, 151, 153, 164, 170.
and holiness, 154.
exhortation to, 3, 152, 162.
from all nature, 161, 169, 177, 178.
from heaven and earth, 160, 641.
lowly, 39.
perpetual, 156-159, 423.
universal, 163, 165-167, 171.
Prayer, a call to, 365, 372, 373, 447.
described, 371, 1005.
concerning death, 539.
for a beneficent spirit, 775, 779, 787.
for a holy heart, 1001.
true, 1005.
Prudence, 352.
Purity of heart, 350, 351.


Redeemed, glory of, 978.
Redemption, universal, 294, 307.
Rejoicing in God our Father, 644-649.
Reliance on God, 609, 613, 616-618, 624, 626, 627, 632-634, 637, 638, 643, 901, 983.
Religion, a support in life, 408.
at home, 927.
blessedness of, 363, 914, 964.
comforts of, 623.
early, 739-743, 746.
quiet, 982.
Repentance, 328-332.
Resignation, 608, 610, 615.
Resurrection, and spring-time, 550.
Retirement, religious, 463.
Rich and poor, 973.
Righteous and wicked, 409, 413.
Righteousness, 346, 347.
River of life, 991.


Sabbath, 7-10, 40, 49, 58-60.
delights of, 43, 62, 69.
evening, 71, 79.
hymn for, 960.
worship, 56.
hymn with nature, 961.
improvement of, 41.
morning, hymn for, 959.
of the soul, 38.
on earth and in heaven, 61.
prayer for, 36, 55.
welcomed, 46.
worship, 42.
Sabbath-school hymns, 747-749, 752.
anniversary, 751, 753, 754.
death of scholar, 759-761.
for Fourth of July, 755.
teacher, death of, 757, 758.
Saints, thanks for all, 981.
Salvation, 640.
Saturday evening, hymns for, 957, 958.
Schools, hymns for, 987-990.
Scriptures, comfort of, 195, 196.
excellence of, 184, 192-194, 197.
God praised for, 187.
importance to the young, 744.
light and glory of, 186.
sufficiency of, 190.
superiority of, 191.
value of, 189.
Sea, hymn at, 831.
prayer at, 832.
Seamen's hymns, 825-835.
Self-distrust, 454.
abandonment, 462.
Sick child, prayer for, 930.
Sickness and recovery, 932.
Sincerity and hypocrisy, 456.
Sinner entreated to awake, 268.
Soul, the, its beauty unfading, 962.
Spring, hymns for, 859-862.
Storm at sea, 831.
hymn on occasion of, 994.
Submission to God, 481, 485, 628.
Summer, hymns for, 863, 864.
Sunset, hymn at, 944.


Temperance hall, dedication of, 798.
hymns, 790-797.
Temptation, 974.
compared to a storm, 832.
Thanksgiving, hymns for, 876-883, 885.
Time, worth of, 518.
flight of, 900.
Traveller's hymn, 995.
Treasures, earthly and heavenly, 525.
Trust in God, 606, 607, 618, 619, 635.
Truth, call of, 821.
permanence and triumph of, 1002.


Unity, Christian, 395, 396, 407, 911-913, 917, 918.


Virtue, security of, 412.
Voices of the dead, 522.


War, hymn in time of, 875.
Watchfulness, and brotherly reproof, 65.
and prayer, 343, 358.
prayer for, 449.
Water of life, 508.
Widow's prayer, 971.
Winter, hymns for, 866, 867.
Wisdom, excellence of, 404.
true, 457.
Woman, influence of, 996, 997.
Worship, 1.
attendance on, 13.
call to, 20.
close of, 83-96, 98.
delight of, 19, 21, 26, 30, 31, 56.
domestic, 924-926, 929, 933, 934.
evening, close of, 80, 97, 99.
public, 37.
social, 920.
filial and cheerful, 965.
invitation to, 52.
of earth and heaven, 64.
of the heart, 70, 73.
pious, 969.
preparation for, 28, 72.
public, 4, 5, 33, 45, 47, 50, 75.
silent, 464.
sincere, 390.
social, call to, 905, 906.
joy of, 902, 903.
universal, 16.


Year, close of, 895, 899, 900.
promises of, 858.
the new, 886-894.
Youth, and autumn, 756.
and spring-time, 745.
Youthful example, 750.


Zeal, true and false, 401.
Zion, encouraged, 647.

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