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Moodys Anecdotes And Illustrations by Dwight L. Moody


|Hold the fort, For I am Coming.|

I am told that when General Sherman went through Atlanta towards the sea -- through the Southern States -- he left in the fort in the Kennesaw Mountains a little handful of men to guard some rations that he brought there. And General Hood got into the outer rear and attacked the fort, drove the men in from the outer works into the inner works, and for a long time the battle raged fearfully. Half of the men were either killed or wounded; the general who was in command was wounded seven different times; and when they were about ready to run up the white flag and surrender the fort, Sherman got within fifteen miles, and through the signal corps on the mountain he sent the message: |Hold the fort; I am coming. W. T. Sherman.| That message fired up their hearts, and they held the fort till reinforcements came, and the fort did not go into the hands of their enemies. Our friend, Mr. Bliss, has written a hymn entitled |Hold the fort for I am coming,| and I'm going to ask Mr. Sankey to sing that hymn. I hope there will be a thousand young converts coming into our ranks to help hold the fort. Our Saviour is in command, and He is coming. Let us take up the chorus.

Ho! my comrades, see the signal
Waving in the sky!
Reinforcements now appearing,
Victory is nigh!

CHO. --
|Hold the fort, for I am coming,|
Jesus signals still.
Wave the answer back to heaven,
|By Thy grace we will.|

See the mighty hosts advancing,
Satan leading on;
Mighty men around us falling,
Courage almost gone. -- Cho

See the glorious banner waving
Hear the bugle blow.
In our Leader's name we'll triumph
Over every foe. -- Cho.

Fierce and long the battle rages,
But our Help is near;
Onward comes our Great Commander,
Cheer, my comrades, cheer! -- Cho.

P. P. Bliss.

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