There was a man at one of our meetings in New York City who was moved by the Spirit of God. He said, |I am going home, and I am not going to sleep to-night till Christ takes away my sins, if I have to stay up all night and pray. I'll do it.| He had a good distance to walk, and as he went along he thought, |Why can't I pray now as I go along, instead of waiting to go home?| But he did not know a prayer. His mother had taught him to pray, but it was so long since he had uttered a prayer that he had forgotten. However, the publican's prayer came to his mind. Everybody can say this prayer. That man in the gallery yonder, that young lady over there: |God be merciful to me a sinner.| May God write it on your hearts to-night. If you forget the sermon, don't forget that prayer. It is a very short prayer, and it has brought joy -- salvation -- to many a soul. Well, this prayer came to the man, and he began, |God be merciful to me a -- ,| but before he got to |sinner| God blessed him.