-- We must not limit the mighty grace of God.
-- Grace means undeserved kindness. It is the gift of God to man the moment he sees he is unworthy of God's favor.
-- A man does not get grace till he comes down to the ground, till he sees he needs grace. When a man stoops to the dust and acknowledges that he needs mercy, then it is that the Lord will give him grace.
-- If you are ready to partake of grace you have not to atone for your sins -- you have merely to accept of the atonement. All that you want to do is to cry, |God have mercy upon me,| and you will receive the blessing.
-- |The grace of God hath power to bring salvation to all men,| and if a man is unsaved it is because he wants to work it out; he wants to receive salvation in some other way than God's way; but we are told that |he that climbeth up another way, the same -- When we get full of this grace we want to see everyone blessed -- we want to see all the churches blessed, not only all the churches here, but in the whole country. That was the trouble with Christ's disciples. He had hard work to make them understand th