I can imagine some men saying, |Mr. Moody has not touched my case at all. That is not the reason why I won't accept Christ. I don't know as I am one of the elect.| How often I am met with this excuse -- how often do I hear it in the inquiry room! How many men fold their arms and say, |If I am one of the elect I will be saved, and if I ain't I won't. No use of your bothering about it.| Why don't some of those merchants say, |If God is going to make me a successful merchant in Chicago I will be one whether I like it or not, and if he isn't I won't.| If you are sick, and a. doctor prescribes for you, don't take the medicine, throw it out the door, it don't matter, for if God has decreed you are going to die, you will: if he hasn't, you will get better. If you use that argument you may as well not walk home from this tabernacle. If God has said you'll get home, you'll get home -- you'll fly through the air; if you have been elected to go home. I have an idea that the Lord Jesus saw how men were going to stumble over this doctrine, so after He had been thirty or forty years in heaven, He came down and spoke to John. One Lord's day in Patmos, He said to him, |Write these things to the churches.| John kept on writing. His pen flew very fast. And then the Lord, when it was nearly finished said, |John, before you close the book, put in this: 'The Spirit and the Bride say, Come; and let him that heareth say; Come.' But there will be some that are deaf, and they cannot hear, so add, 'Let him that is athirst, Come;' and in case there should be any that do not thirst, put it still broader, 'Whosoever will, let him take of the water of life freely.' '' What more can you have than that? And the Book is sealed, as it were, with that. It is the last invitation in the Bible. |Whosoever will, let him take of the water of life freely.| You are thirsty. You want water. I hold out this glass to you, and say, |Take it.| You say, |If I am decreed to have it, I am not going to put myself to the trouble of taking it.| Well, you will never get it. And if you are ever to have salvation, you must reach out the hand and take it. |I will take the cup of salvation, and call upon the name, of the Lord.|