SermonIndex Audio Sermons
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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : |Those Hypocrites.|

Moodys Anecdotes And Illustrations by Dwight L. Moody

|Those Hypocrites.|

|I won't accept this invitation because of those hypocrites in the churches.| My friend, you will find very few there if you get to heaven. There won't be a hypocrite in the next world, and if you don't want to be associated with hypocrites in the next world, you will take this invitation. Why, you will find hypocrites everywhere. One of the apostles was himself the very prince of hypocrites, but he didn't get to heaven. You will find plenty of hypocrites in the church. They have been there for the last one thousand eight hundred years, and will probably remain there. But what is that to you? This is an individual matter between you and your God.

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